We have never sold items here, but the ones we buy have always been in great shape, clean, and reasonably priced. They offer "just enough" larger items, and the clothing selection is great for newborn to 2 years.
Worth noting that they have regular 20%, 40%, >50% off sales. The pickings aren't the cream of the crop, but the prices are hard to beat. The only way to get kid clothes more affordably would be through shopping garage sales.
We have never sold items here, but the ones we buy have always been in great shape, clean, and reasonably priced. They offer "just enough" larger items, and the clothing selection is great for newborn to 2 years. Worth noting that they have regular 20%, 40%, >50% off sales. The pickings aren't the cream of the crop, but the prices are hard to beat. The only way to get kid clothes more affordably would be through shopping garage sales.