I ran out of this place because I was having a reaction to a product they was using to take my wisdom teeth out and bc the doctor wasn’t paying attention closely I almost lost my life . My throat was swollen up and they said “I wasn’t turning blue in the face so I was fine” come to find out I was having a reaction and they couldn’t reverse the numbing. I had to drive myself to mercy Fairfield and they stop the reaction in time before they would of had to put a TUBE down my throat too SAVE ME That’s CRAZY ... It was a matter a minutes ......I say don’t TRUST VALLEY Dental!!!
I ran out of this place because I was having a reaction to a product they was using to take my wisdom teeth out and bc the doctor wasn’t paying attention closely I almost lost my life . My throat was swollen up and they said “I wasn’t turning blue in the face so I was fine” come to find out I was having a reaction and they couldn’t reverse the numbing. I had to drive myself to mercy Fairfield and they stop the reaction in time before they would of had to put a TUBE down my throat too SAVE ME That’s CRAZY ... It was a matter a minutes ......I say don’t TRUST VALLEY Dental!!!