Several years ago she was replacing an amalgam filling with ceramic, and it started to seriously hurt! I made noises and waved my hands but she kept drilling. I'm pretty sure I was forced to physically remove her hand from my mouth, it was traumatic. I have had trouble eating on that side of my mouth for several years now (and still no pain from the amalgam fillings she didn't replace). Still: Two stars for their insurance coverage and their digital x-rays (faster and less x-ray dosage than older methods)
Several years ago she was replacing an amalgam filling with ceramic, and it started to seriously hurt! I made noises and waved my hands but she kept drilling. I'm pretty sure I was forced to physically remove her hand from my mouth, it was traumatic. I have had trouble eating on that side of my mouth for several years now (and still no pain from the amalgam fillings she didn't replace). Still: Two stars for their insurance coverage and their digital x-rays (faster and less x-ray dosage than older methods)